Space Weather Science Operations Center


The Space Weather Science Operations Center is a multi-mission science operations center for the community.

What can we do for you?

  • Pipeline process data files
  • Serve as a primary and backup data center
  • Provide Cloud-based science data analysis environment
  • Provide Graphical interfaces to monitor processing and viewing telemetry and science data
  • Provide alerts for instrument anomalies and track instrument performance metrics over time
  • Work with a Mission Operations Center to capture and forward telemetry and science data

Or we can support you to use our open source tools (see below).

Supported Missions

The SWxSOC is currently supporting the following NASA missions

  • Heliophysics Environmental and Radiation Measurement Experiment (HERMES), consists of 4 in-situ instruments.
  • solar PolArization and Directivity X-ray Experiment (PADRE), consists of two solar-observing x-ray instruments.


The SWxSOC processing Pipeline makes use of AWS. The following open source tools have been developed.

  • swxsoc : A Python package for core functionality of all SWxSOC mission packages.
  • sammi : A Python package for shared attribute and metadata management interface for CDF files.
  • hermes_instrument : A Python package template for instrument packages.
  • sdc_aws_pipeline_architecture : AWS CDK code for the file processing pipeline architecture
  • sdc_aws_sorting_lambda : AWS Lambda code for sorting files into the instrument buckets
  • sdc_aws_processing_lambda : AWS Lambda code for processing files in the instrument buckets
  • sdc_aws_artifacts_lambda : AWS Lambda code for generating artifacts such as slack notifications and timestream logs.
  • sdc_aws_base_docker_image : Docker image for the base image for the processing Lambda/Development containers
  • MetaTracker : A python package that helps track metadata of Raw Binary and Science Files in a Relational Database
  • FSWatcher : A filewatcher system that can be configured to watch a directory for new files and then upload them to an S3 bucket.
  • S3Watcher : A filewatcher system that can be configured to watch an AWS S3 bucket new files and then download them onto a local machine.
  • sdc_aws_grafana_dashboard_backups : Backs up deployed dashboards as JSON models on https://grafana.hermes.swsoc.smce.nasa.gov/ daily

For more see the SWxSOC organization page and the HERMES repository list.

Presentations and Publications

  • DASH 2023, Robbertz, Andrew, Rager, Amy C., Barrous-Dume, Damian, Skeberdis, Daniel, Christe, Steven, Kreisler, Steve, Mercer, Tony, & Paterson, William R. (2023). The Architecture and Functionality of HERMES Core and Instrument Python Packages. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8400671
  • DASH 2023, Damian Barrous-Dume, Amy Catherine Rager, Andrew Robbertz, Daniel Skeberdis, Steven Christe, Steve Kreisler, Tony Mercer, & William R Paterson. (2023, October 9). Open Science in Action: SWxSOC’s Role in Accelerating Data Release and Cloud Processing for Heliophysics Missions. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8408028
  • AGU 2023 (Fall Meeting), Robbertz, Andrew, Rager, Amy C., Barrous-Dume, Damian, Skeberdis, Daniel, Christe, Steven, Kreisler, Steve, Mercer, Tony, & Paterson, William R. (2023, December 4). HERMES Core and Instrument Python Packages. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10257716
  • AGU 2023 (Fall Meeting), Damian Barrous-Dume, Amy Catherine Rager, Andrew Robbertz, Daniel Skeberdis, Steven Christe, Steve Kreisler, Tony Mercer, & William R Paterson. (2023, December 8). Open Science in Action: SWxSOC’s Role in Accelerating Data Release and Cloud Processing for Heliophysics Missions. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8408028
  • AGU 2024 (Fall Meeting), Damian Barrous-Dume, Amy Catherine Rager, Andrew Robbertz, Daniel Skeberdis, Steven Christe, Steve Kreisler, Tony Mercer, & William R Paterson. (2023, December 8). Enhancing SWxSOC through Open Collaboration for Multi-Mission Data Processing and Expedited Release. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14536415
  • AGU 2024 (Fall Meeting), Robbertz, Andrew, Rager, Amy C., Barrous-Dume, Damian, Skeberdis, Daniel, Christe, Steven, Kreisler, Steve, Mercer, Tony, & Paterson, William R. (2024, December 4). SWxSOC Software Architecture for Science Data Processing. Zenodo. https://zenodo.org/records/14606063

Contact Us

For more information contact steven.christe@nasa.gov.